St. Joan’s Academy is a private primary school located in Upper Matasia, Kajiado North. The school admitted its first group of children in 1994, and we’ve truly been blessed with more since. It was established as a result of a persistent desire and passion for children’s growth from Mr and Mrs Magu. Mrs. Magu also happens to be a teacher by profession.

Our dream and vision are to establish a school that has a unique approach to learning and teaching, to provide our young ones with the highest quality care, and to develop a school that would become a role model in its environment and the country as a whole.
We also choose to ensure that we provide a healthy and safe environment for our children to play, learn and grow emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially with guidance from professional caregivers, thus nurturing them in all three dimensions of Mind, Body and Spirit.
St. Joan’s Academy currently offers the 8.4.4 system and has also embraced the Competency-Based Curriculum i.e: 2-6-3-3 system in its Pre-school (PP1 and PP2), Grades 1 to Grade 6 and Junior Secondary School (Grade 7 to Grade 9) with the goal being to have all our children shinning in all areas.
Currently, the school is up to Class 8 (8-4-4 curriculum) and Grade 6 (CBC curriculum) and is approved by the MOE to host Junior Secondary School (JSS). The school has a boarding facility too that was approved in 2022.
To ensure that children here grow to be well-balanced, knowledgeable and caring individuals, we have gone a step further to provide co-curricular activities ranging from sports, computers, music and band, drama, scouting and swimming lessons.
A rich variety of co-curricular activities contribute to the overall development of the child, while at the same time, making school life an enjoyable experience.
The school offers a well-balanced and graded programmer of physical education, which develops a sense of team spirit and healthy competition among the pupils.
Children are encouraged to express themselves as we foster their creativity. They learn to appreciate the various art forms and in the process, have fun.
- Attention
- Dedication
- Honesty
- Mutual Respect
- Punctuality
- Positive Attitudes
Achieve and sustain excellent results in academic performance, physical, moral and spiritual development in all pupils.