St Joan’s Academy offers the Kenyan 8.4.4 system of education for these classes. The subjects undertaken are English, Kiswahili, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, and Christian Religious Studies. Each subject has general and specific objectives that have been clarified and the content spelt out specifically by the Ministry of Education, to give guidance to the

Teaching/learning experience and assessment methods are outlined at the beginning of the term in form of schemes of work and curriculum designs. Three major evaluation tests are administered in a term, and there are continuous assessment tests every fortnight through the term. Pupils receive outcome records of their performance in each subject area through a written report book signed by the class teacher and the school director.

Parents also get a chance to discuss their children’s results with their respective class teachers at the end of every term. We also welcome any parent who would be interested to know their child’s progress during the term.

In our learning areas, we have integrated French, Computer, Music classes, Drama and Art into a study
area called Visual and Performing Arts.

Our manager’s take is that regular homework, done in a positive climate at home, will support and enhance your child’s educational progress. Getting involved with your child’s school work is a wonderful way for you to bond and your child must know you value and support their work at school